Money Matters –
Unlocking Your
Payday Potential

Money Matters – Unlocking Your Payday Potential

As teens enter the workforce, it is essential to equip them with the financial knowledge to not only understand their paychecks but also manage their own finances. Learning money management early enables young adults to achieve financial independence and long-term financial goals more quickly.

Anyone can volunteer to teach the basics of paychecks using our easy-to-follow Money Matters curriculum and resources. Whether you choose to volunteer online or in a classroom, the presentation is designed to be effective in both virtual and in-person settings.

Topics include:

  • How to fill out the Form W-4
  • Understanding why and how payroll taxes are withheld from paychecks
  • How paychecks are calculated
  • The pros and cons of various payment methods available

Volunteer for Money Matters

Volunteers receive an easy-to-use curriculum and custom teaching materials to help them have a successful event. Additionally, volunteers earn 1 RCH for teaching a lesson and receive a special citation from PayrollOrg.

Money Matters Resources

After volunteering, visit our Money Matters Resources page to download tools that will enable you to highlight the value of the Money Matters lesson to schools and organizations in your area. Use them to help you secure teaching opportunities.

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